13th June, 2018
On the 13th June, we had a selected group of 11 women who met with Noella D’Souza and Aruna Gnanadason. From the CNI, 6 were from Bishop’s College (professors and doctoral students), and four other young women who were working in the city. Of the 10, there were six ordained women – one was a professor in Bishop’s College, three were doctoral students, one was Asst. Presbyter in a nearby Church and one working as warden of a women’s hostel, besides assisting in two churches in the city. Sr Sabrina and the President of the CRI were also present.
After and a round of welcomes and introductions we got down to why all of us had gathered. We explained the history, vision and objectives of the ICWM and why we felt it important to invite women from different churches to join our movement. We were listened to with much interest, and when we asked for feedback, yes they did understand the need for such a movement at present. One mentioned that she did not even think there would be an alternate direction to take. Even before asking for a sharing of experiences in this line, there was a very intense sharing (particularly by the ordained women) of the attitudinal differences between men and women they experience in their various areas of work – be it in the academic or pastoral field. One also mentioned that there was no terminology yet in use to define their role and function, some word by which they could be addressed.
Even though we did allot sometime to talk and share about the biblical perspective and orientation for the movement, the sharing continued for most of the time finally leaving us with no time to devote to this, and neither did we feel the need to do so.
Rev. Papiya and Rev. Satvasheela agreed to work together to keep the Kolkata group going and moving ahead.
The meeting ended with a short vote of thanks given by Aruna.
