The proposal for the formation of the Indian Christian Women’s Movement (ICWM) emerged at the National Women’s Conference on the theme “Paradigm Shifts in Vatican II and its Impact on Women” co-organized by Streevani Pune, NBCLC Bangalore, ISI Bangalore, Montfort Social Institute Hyderabad and CBCI Office for Women at the NBCLC, Bangalore from 8 to 11 January, 2014.
The women and men present especially noted the theological and ecclesiological shifts that form a solid basis for equality and mission. As People of God they dreamed about a new way of being Christian wo/men in the future – as mystical prophets, theological critics, political activists and religious who live a deinstitutionalized form of consecrated life.
They shared and discussed intensively on various aspects of the theme and validated their own narratives of discrimination and abuse, resolved to act to reclaim the sacredness of our bodies, our lives, our suffering and ministries, our callings and individual charisms.
The presence of an ecumenical sister as a resource person, who voiced the need for a common body of Christian Women in India, helped to consolidate the decision to birth the Indian Christian Women’s Movement (ICWM).
The superimposed profiles, in three shades, signify a sisterhood of women from all walks of life. The profiles indicate that they are speaking with one voice, aloud, so that they will draw attention and their message will reach the ears that need to hear. The rising profiles (from the background to the foreground) indicate fearlessness, confidence and determination. The ‘T’ is rendered as a cross to indicate the Christian nature of the movement. The ‘C’ doubles as a earring - a typical Indian embellishment. The colours green and saffron are indicative of the Indian aspect as they reflect the colours of the national flag.
The name of the movement is reproduced in the logo so as to leave no doubt as to the identity, which is immediately made known to the viewer.