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ICWM Demands Justice for the Survivor Nun

The Indian Chris􀀌an Women's Movement (ICWM) stands solidly, every step of the way, with

the survivor nun in her quest for justice, in the Franco Mulakkal case. She began her journey

to expose her rapist, a li􀀞le over a year ago, a􀁂er having endured 2 years of torture and

repeated abuse by Franco Mulakkal, the Bishop of the Jalandhar diocese.

Now in a le􀀞er to the Kerala State's Women's Commission, and the Na􀀌tional Women's

Commission, she has revealed the hum􀀌iliation that she has been experiencing because of a

slander campaign against her, that Mulakkal and his followers are engaged in. In a bid to

defame her, and thus intimidate her, as his trial date approaches (November 11), he has been using his rank within the church hierarchy and his obscene money power, to tarnish her image in social media, especially through an internet channel called Chris􀀌an Times.

The small group of nuns from her convent who have supported the survivor nun are also

being slandered by this same channel. Defying bail conditions, Mulakkal has been engaged in defaming the sisters, as the channel has been one-sidedly discussing the case, unethically posting videos of the Survivor Nun, her fellow sisters and the officials probing the case and has even used abusive language against her and the Sisters, thus mocking their bid for justice.

We condemn this media trial when the actual trial in the case is imminent.

As Indian Chris􀀌tian Women, we regret the inaction of the Church. We demand immediate

protection to the survivor nun and to the witnesses who live in constant fear of ridicule,

slander, abuse and ostracisation and pray for swift disciplinary ac􀀌on against Mulakkal and

the channel Christian Times. We call on all persons of integrity, men and women, to stand

with the brave sister in her difficult struggle against the all-powerful and the unscrupulous.

We request the Court to take suo moto cognizance of these matters, when the proceedings

against him are opened, so that justice may prevail.

Dr Aruna Gnanadason, Na􀀏onal Convener, ICWM & Na􀀌onal Team: Dr Kochurani Abraham,

Marcia D'Cunha, Rev Dr Jayachitra Lalitha, Dr Joycia Thorat, Dr Lalnghakthuami, Sushma


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